The Falkland Islands are a British territory consisting of an archipeligo. But, in order to use electronics from the United States in the Falkland Islands, as well as most other countries outside of the American continent, you need two things, a voltage converter and a plug adapter, unless you have dual-voltage electronics. Dual-voltage electronics will work in other countries that use 220v, without a voltage converter. Most countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia use 220v. North America, most of Central America, and much of South America uses 110v. The Falkland Islands are an archipeligo that uses 220v. The rest of South America however, mostly uses 110v. If you are traveling to Falkland Islands, be sure to bring either a voltage converter or dual-voltage appliances. If you try to use single-volt appliances in Falkland Islands, you could cause a fire. But how do you know if your electronics are dual-volt or single-volt?
Look for the voltage rating directly on your appliance. If it says 110v, then it is a single-volt appliance. In this case, find the wattage by either looking on the appliance, or multiplying the voltage by the amp. Then, buy a voltage converter for this appliance that has a wattage at least 25% higher than the appliance. This helps the voltage converter to last longer.
But if you found a voltage rating on your appliance that listed 110v-220v, then it is dual-volt. You do not need a voltage converter for these appliances to function in Denmark and other countries that use 220v electrical current.
However, even if you are bringing dual-voltage electronics with you to Falkland Islands, you still need a plug adapter, because Falkland Islands uses a different type of plug than the rest of the Americas. But be careful when buying your plug adapter, because there are six different types of plug adapter corresponding to the six different international plug types, and if if you get the wrong one, it won’t work in Falkland Islands. So be sure to buy the correct one.
Falkland Islands plug adapter
Falkland Islands voltage converter