In order to use electronics from the United States in most other countries, you need two things, a voltage converter and a plug adapter, unless you have dual-voltage electronics. Dual-voltage electronics will work in other countries that use 220v, without a voltage converter . Most countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia use 220v. North America, most of Central America, and much of South America uses 110v. Bangladesh is a country that borders India that uses 220v. The rest of Asia mostly uses 220v as well. If you are traveling to Bangladesh , be sure to bring either a voltage converter or dual-voltage appliances. If you try to use single-volt appliances in Bangladesh , you could cause a fire. But how do you know if your electronics are dual-volt or single-volt?
Look for the voltage rating directly on your appliance. If it says 110v, then it is a single-volt appliance. In this case, find the wattage by either looking on the appliance, or multiplying the voltage by the amp. Then, buy a voltage converter for this appliance that has a wattage at least 25% higher than the appliance. This helps the voltage converter to last longer.

Bangladesh plug adapter
Bangladesh voltage converter