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Being able to connect using our mobile devices and laptops is important, even when we’re traveling overseas. The differing physical configurations and voltage requirements of electrical outlets in different countries can be a little worrisome to travelers, but there’s a quick and easy fix. 220 to 110 converters are easy to use and carry, and ensure that your electronics work safely overseas.

Many first-time overseas travelers are surprised to learn that electrical outlets are not standard throughout the world. The physical configurations of electrical outlets can vary, meaning that the plug for an American device simply won’t fit into electrical outlets in some countries. That’s not the only difference, however. Electrical outlets may vary in voltage from country to country.

Here in the U.S., most of South and Latin America, and Japan, electrical outlets and devices are designed to work at 110 to 120 volts. In most of the rest of the world, however, the standard voltage is 220 volts. Using electronics designed in the U.S. with European or other electrical outlets with higher voltages will fry the electronics and may even result in a fire.

Adapters can help American electronics interact with foreign outlets that have different physical configurations. Step down voltage converters will ensure higher voltages don’t destroy U.S. electronics when they’re used overseas.

With the help of adapters and converters, travelers can:

Stay connected. We’re all incredibly dependent on our electronic devices to communicate with our friends, loved ones, and business associates. Taking an overseas holiday or business trip shouldn’t cut you out of the loop. With adapters and converters, you can keep your devices charged so you can stay connected.

Avoid having to rent or borrow electronic gear in the countries they are visiting. Adapters and converters allow you to bring your electronics from home, and use them safely and avoid often exorbitant costs of renting a phone or computer overseas.

Take charging equipment anywhere. Adapters and converters are small enough to fit in most book bags, purses, or satchels. Their small size makes them easy to take on flights or on public transportation wherever you may visit.

Plug-in just about anywhere. Converters and adapters make charging easy. Just plug the adapter or converter into an outlet at a restaurant, shop, or wherever you may be, and then plug in your device. It’s just that easy.

When preparing to travel overseas, take the time to find out what type of electrical outlets the country you’re visiting uses, and also determine the voltage used. Then shop for the adapter and/or converter that you need. You can also buy 220 to 110 transformers, which are more durable devices intended for extended charging use. With the right gear, you’ll be able to enjoy your electronics abroad without having to worry about damaging them.

110220Volts sells adapters, converters and transformers that help travelers stay connected by keeping their devices charged while overseas. 110220Volts offers a wide selection of electronics, including region-free DVD players, and much more. For help or a consultation, call 1-800-827-9978.